Service Supplier Visa

A Complete Guide to the UK Service Supplier Visa Requirements

The Service Supplier visa allows employees of an overseas company, and self-employed professionals based abroad, to work in the UK. Eligible individuals will need to have a contract to supply services for a UK-based company under one of the UK’s international trade agreements. 

The amount of time you can be in the UK under this visa depends on the trade agreement. You can stay in the UK for either 6 or 12 months, or the time detailed on your Certificate of Sponsorship plus 14 days, whichever is shorter. This visa does not lead to settlement or Indefinite Leave to Remain (ILR).

Should you need help with your UK Service Supplier visa application, reach out to us at +44 20 3151 9366.

What Are the Eligibility Requirements for the Service Supplier Visa?

To meet the eligibility requirements, you have to: 

  • Work for an overseas business either as an employee or as a self-employed service provider
  • Provide a service to a UK business under a contract that is covered by an eligible international trade agreement
  • Be issued with a Certificate of Sponsorship (CoS) from your UK sponsor detailing the work you will be carrying out in the UK during your stay
  • Have an eligible job – You can check if your job is eligible by finding the four-digit occupation code on your CoS and checking the list of eligible jobs. If your job is not eligible, you can still apply if you have the relevant qualifications and experience
  • Have worked at least 12 months for either your current employer based overseas, or if you are a self-employed service provider, you must have at least 12 months of professional experience before you apply for the visa, and it must be in the same sector as the service you will provide in your role in the UK

What Are the Documents Needed for the Service Supplier Visa?

To apply for the Service Supplier visa, you will have to provide the following documents:

  • The reference number on your Certificate of Sponsorship, the name of your sponsor and their sponsor licence number
  • A valid passport that proves your identity and nationality
  • Your job title and the occupation code 
  • Evidence proving you have at least £1,270 in your bank account to support yourself once you are in the UK. The evidence could be in the form of bank statements. If your sponsor is supporting you, it should state this on your CoS
  • Proof showing your relationship with your partner or children if they are applying as your ‘dependants’
  • Tuberculosis test results if you are from a country where you need to take a TB test for your visa application

You may have to provide other documents such as evidence showing that you have worked for your employer outside of the UK, proof of your degree and qualifications, or your employer may tell you that you need an ATAS certificate if your job involves researching a sensitive subject at a PhD level or higher. 

How Can Yes UK Immigration Help You With the Service Supplier Visa?

A Seamless Service

From initial instruction to application submission, we aim to give reliable and transparent advice so that you know exactly what needs to be done to put together a robust application. 

Quality Advice

We have over 10 years of immigration experience which means that you can depend on our expert advice.

A Tailored Approach

Your situation is very personal to you, which is why we tailor our service to each of our clients as everyone’s circumstances are different and a standard approach cannot be applied. 

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